/BCO-DMO/Reef_Resilience_Guam/colony_monitoring ---- Level 0

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#   Individual Colony Monitoring: Guan 2014
#      - colonies located on or near permanent transects; colony ID matcth headata
#      -  individual colonies (both healthy and with health impacts) were tagged and monitored over time
#   K. Kim (American U.)
#   version: 2021-01-28
site                site_code  zone                  lat       lon        data_recorder  
Achang_Deep         ACH-D      Fore_Reef             13.24061  144.68645  LJR            
Achang_Shallow      ACH-S      Reef_Flat             13.24640  144.68613  LJR            
Gab_Gab             GAB        Nearshore_Reef_Bench  13.44319  144.63631  LJR            
Ipan_Shallow        IPA-S      Reef_Flat             13.36519  144.77161  LJR            
Tanguisson_Deep     TAN-D      Fore_Reef             13.54510  144.80615  LJR            
Tanguisson_Shallow  TAN-S      Reef_Flat             13.54853  144.81000  LJR            
West_Agana_Deep     WAG-D      Fore_Reef             13.48384  144.74625  LJR            
West_Agana_Shallow  WAG-S      Reef_Flat             13.48221  144.74618  LJR